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aztec laws and government

Aztec Law and Government: A Look at their Theocracy

The Aztec Empire, with its sophisticated political system, is one of the most interesting civilisations in history. Ruled by a theocratic system, the Aztecs structured their society around religion, strict laws, and hierarchies. The concept of Aztec law and government was central to maintaining order and upholding the empire’s intricate systems. This article will look

Aztec Law and Government: A Look at their Theocracy Read More »

Economy of the aztec empire

Economy of the aztec empire ➤Trade and agriculture

Economy and society of the aztec empire The Aztec civilization, known for its highly advanced society filled with unique customs, a comprehensive language, and amazing technology, had a remarkable economy. The economy of the Aztec Empire played a crucial role in its development and success. The Aztec civilization’s history has fascinated and been examined by

Economy of the aztec empire ➤Trade and agriculture Read More »

Triple Alliance Aztec Empire

Triple Alliance Aztec Empire ➤Rise of Mesoamerican Power

The Triple Alliance Aztec Empire dominated Central America for two hundred years. By the time the Europeans arrived in 1517, the alliance had expanded its empire from coast to coast, controlling central Mexico and outlying regions. History of the Aztec Empire To understand the Aztec Empire, it helps to go back to its beginnings. It

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Aztec literature Codices, Writing

Aztec literature: Codices, Writing, and a Touch of Magic  

Aztec literature is no ordinary thing: it’s a treasure trove of pictograms, glyphs, and codices that tell the story of an incredible civilization. Even though they didn’t have an alphabet like ours, the Aztecs found clever ways to record their lives, beliefs, and maybe even their best recipes (okay, maybe not literally, but you never

Aztec literature: Codices, Writing, and a Touch of Magic   Read More »

Aztec marriage and family life

Aztec marriage and family life: Respect & a lot of discipline

When you lived in the Aztec Empire you were surrounded by numerous pyramids and divine gods along with elaborate ceremonies that surpassed the entertainment of modern festivals. Our discussion today focuses on the intriguing aspects of Aztec marriage and family life, skipping the thematic wars and sacrifices. Marriage: A decision of the gods! In the

Aztec marriage and family life: Respect & a lot of discipline Read More »

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