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Aztec Musical Instruments

Aztec Musical Instruments ▷Unique Creations

Ancient Aztec music and highly specialized dance were important components of religious ceremonies. Not to mention their Aztec Musical Instruments, which played an important role in those gruesome sacrificial ceremonies and rituals, the god of music and ceremonial dance was the coyote Huehuecóyotl. Aztec Musical Instruments (Percussion) Despite the way Aztec music was used, the […]

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Strength Aztec Symbols and Meanings

Strength Aztec Symbols and Meanings ➤Power and Resilience

From the year 1300 through 1500 the people of the Aztec civilization built an impressive society which currently occupies the land of Mexico. Despite many individual Aztec groups the population used Nahuatl as its central language. The Aztec civilization used symbolic representations which contained cultural importance because they showed divine entities alongside natural elements and

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